Case study: ENI Livorno

ENI Livorno Logistics

Business description: Since 2015, we have been eni’s partner for logistics management. Until February 2023, a global service covering the entire supply chain, from transportation planning to warehouse management, was carried out for the eni plant in Livorno. At this stage, the picking of products from the production lines or the unloading of suppliers’ vehicles was the first step in the process, which continued with their storage in the warehouse and ended with the preparation of the orders transmitted by the planning office and their loading onto the vehicles that to deliver eni products around the World. Today our partnership with eni is continuing, but exclusively for the part of transportation (IN and OUT) and distribution to Customers in the Italian market.

Project peculiarities: eni operative context and the characteristics of the handled products are still an important «training» where it is possible to daily improve also on complex topics as the handling of dangerous goods or the environment safeguard.

Products: Industrial Oils & Packed oil products (from 1000 lt tanks to 1 lt containers)

Human resources: 40 people

Areas: 10000 unsheltered sqm & 18000 sheltered

Main data: 2500 items, 83000 shipped tons/year, 7200 shipments/year,  92000 deliveries/year